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Fuel Saving Burner Upgrade

Fuel Saving Burner Upgrade

Following a site visit to study this customers application, we decided to upgrade the current system to our 'PC' series. In line with the customers requirements, our direct replacement unit would offer fuel savings, reduced downtime due to rapid fault diagnostics and lower emissions thanks to an improved nozzle design with close combustion control.
The PC1-E-C burner was the perfect fit for this job with a required output of 300kW, running on natural gas whilst reaching temperatures of 280°C. This specific burner uses an LMV37 burner control unit complete with a valve proving system managing all aspects of the burner.
Comtherm were tasked to install and commission this project and subsequently are trusted to maintain all future servicing by our knowledgeable engineers to ensure longevity and efficiency.

Old worn down burner New Comtherm PC1 burner with a red chassis

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