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Comtherm HET Heater

The HET heater is an indirect fired unit designed for most applications where there is a requirement to heat ambient process air to temperatures of up to 300°C in one lift. The unit consists of a stainless steel concentric tube type heat exchanger mounted in a mild steel chamber.

The outer casing of the unit is generally manufactured from carbon steel; it is double skinned and insulated with mineral wool. The unit can be constructed totally in stainless steel.

The inner assembly consists of a stainless steel combustion chamber and concentric cylinder heat exchanger; these are independently mounted within the casing to allow for differential expansion. The chamber is fitted with end inspection covers to facilitate cleaning.

HET Heater Technical Features

  • Typical Applications

  • Turndown

  • Burner Duty

    Es stehen Heizleistungen mit thermischen Leistungen von 60 kW bis 1200 kW zur Verfügung; Es können spezielle Einheiten geliefert werden, die den Anforderungen einer bestimmten Anwendung gerecht werden.

  • Gas Supply Pressure

  • Fuel Types

    • Erdgas
    • Flüssiggas
    • Leichte Heizöle
  • Flame Length

    mm (max)
