Comtherm Offices will be CLOSED from: 24th December - 1st January '25
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Comtherm Ltd 成立于 1974 年,在商业、工业和过程加热市场的工业燃烧设备的设计、制造、安装和调试方面拥有四十多年的经验。

纵观其历史,Comtherm 一直利用技术进步来帮助改进和增加产品范围和质量。 SolidWorks 3D CAD 设计系统就是一个例子,该系统用于所有项目的设计和规划。


Comtherm 为国内和国际市场提供:

  • 燃烧器和燃烧系统– Comtherm 车间现场制造各种工业燃烧器和工艺空气加热器。燃烧设备可以专门设计,以满足个别客户对独特应用的需求和要求。随后由我们经验丰富的技术团队进行完整的测试过程,确保交付的工业燃烧器或加热器能够按照预期标准高效运行。
  • 备件– Comtherm 拥有大量用于生产其标准燃烧设备的所有零部件的库存,从内部制造的物品到许多主要燃烧设备制造商的部件。还为那些希望获得库存较少的零件以适应其各自燃烧系统的客户建立联系。
  • 服务——提供完整的交付、安装和调试服务,以及维护合同,以确保产品在安装后继续高效、安全、可靠地运行。

Fabricated In House

All of our burners are fabricated, assembled and tested in house. We take pride in providing the best quality products to our customers.

Bespoke Burner Controls Systems

All of our burner panels are designed and built in the workshop. Fully tested and built for industrial environments utilising the best components.

Short Lead Times

Our standard lead times are extremely quick. Should you require a replacement burner for a breakdown, we can expedite builds where required.

Process Specialists

With over 40 years of experience in the process industry, put simply, there is nothing we cannot do. Email us to enquire.